A Shoreline Owner’s Guide to Healthy Waterfronts (MVC & RVCA) — 24 pages — This guide offers you background information and advice on ways to make the most of your shoreline property while living in balance with your lake’s fragile ecosystem. Produced by Lakeland Alliance, 2008.
Forest Raptors & Their Nests in Central Ontario: A Guide to Stick Nests & Their Use — 78 pages — pocket guide covers how to find and identify stick nests and the birds that build or use them; offers guidelines and modeling tools that should be considered when trying to protect them. Produced by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Southcentral Sciences Section, 1998.
On the Living Edge: Your Handbook for Waterfront Living (Ontario Edition) — 152 pages — a comprehensive handbook that highlights the health, financial and environmental benefits associated with protecting your waterfront property. Produced by The Ontario Living by Water Project. Published by the RVCA and Conservation Ontario, 2003.