Client: Conservation Ontario, University of Guelph
Product: Program
Description: Design and Layout |
Client: Tree Canada
Product: Annual Report
Description: Design and Layout |
Client: Conservation Ontario
Product: Kit Folder
Description: Design and Layout |
Client: Raisin Region Conservation Authority
Product: Certificates
Description: Design, illustration and Layout |
Client: Tree Canada Foundation
Product: Postcard
Description: Design and Layout |
Client: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Product: Booklet
Description: Design and Layout |
Client: Ontario Ministry of the Environment, City of Ottawa and the Ottawa Septic System Office
Description: Design and Layout |
Client: RideauValley Conservation Authority
Product: Fact Sheet
Description: Design and Layout
(in development)
Client: M.A.P.L.E.
Product:Shoreline Classificatioon Survey Manual
Description: Design, Layout and illustration |
Client: Rideau Valley Rural Clean Water Program
Product: Forms and Fact Sheets
Description: Design and Layout
Erosion Control
Erosion Control Application
Client: Ottawa Stewardship Council
Product: Brochure
Description: Design and Layout |
Client: Ottawa Stewardship Council
Product: Annual Report
Description: Design and Layout |
Client: Wetland Habitat Fund
Product: Tabloid
Description: Illustration, Design and Layout |
Client: OOWA
Product: Newsletter
Description: Design and Layout |
Client: RideauValley Conservation Authority
Product: Around the Rideau Newsletter
Description: Design and Layout |
Client: RideauValley Conservation Authority
Product: Poster and Work Plan
Description: Design and Layout
Booklet (1.39 MB)
Poster (2.55 MB) |
Client: Conservation Ontario
Product: Conservation Ontario Annual Report 2002
Description: Design and Layout |
Client: Rideau Valley Conservation
Product: Annual Report 2002
Description: Research, Write, Design and Layout |
Client: Tree Canada Foundation
Product: Tree Canada Foundation Annual Report 2002
Description: Research, Write, Design and Layout |
Client: Rideau Valley Conservation
Product: Conservation Areas Brochure
Description: Research, Write, Design and Layout |
Client: Tree Canada
Product: Display (Roll-up unit)
Description: Design and Layout |
Client: Rideau Valley Clean Water Program
Description: Funding Sources Brochure
Description: Design and Layout |
Client: Ministry of Natural Resources
Product: Extension Notes User-friendly fact sheets on a variety of resource management topics.
Description: Research, Write, Design and Layout |
Client: Rideau Valley Conservation
Product: Annual Report 2001
Description: Research, Write, Design and Layout |
Client: Rideau Valley Conservation
Product: Book
Description: Research, Write, Design and Layout |
Client: Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association
Product: Booklet
Description: Design and Layout |